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What you'll receive


Our process empowers the entrepreneur to build their brand the way they envision, with the partnership of an experienced brand studio creating assets to choose from. Premium brand guidelines, with a quick turnaround, priced for a startup budget.


Your brand guidelines paired with our included implementation guide will have you efficiently implementing your branding, creating a strong visual presence to attract your target audience.


Your branding will be the same quality of deliverables you'd receive through a fully custom brand design scope, setting your business up with timeless assets it can grow with. 


You'll have the foundation and files you need for future collateral design, packaging, web design, and the years of business growth ahead.

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Brand Guidelines

Your easy-to-reference brand guide, making it straighforward and efficient to maintain a strong and cohesive presence throughout each channel.

Buildable Branding brand guidelines cover


You’ll receive a full logo suite, with primary, and secondary compostions, with and without tagline and brand info, and submark variations.

Your logo suite will be delivered in high quality JPG, transparent PNG, and vector logo files.


You’ll receive both light and dark color variations for each presentation. The implementation possibilities are endless!


A cohesive brand is made in the details, and typography implementation is a highly important element of strong visual presence.


We take the guesswork out of typography - we will send you clear links to your font files. Allowing you to simply click to install, you'll be ready to jump right into utilizing your branding.


Simply click to install your font files onto your computer, and you’ll be ready to jump right in to utilizing your branding. 

Buildable branding brand guidelines logo presenations example

Did you know character spacing is referred to as ‘tracking’ in design? We outline the exact values and ranges to easily implement throughout your branding, whether you are desinging on Canva, Adobe, or a website.


Character leading is an important detail to maintain a consistent and unique brand presence.

Buildable Branding brand guidelines typography example


Did you know a consistent color palette increases brand recognition by up to 80% and directly impacts consumer confidence.


Choose from our strategically designed library of color palettes to find the one that will best resonate with your target audience. You’ll be provided with custom color names for reference, and color codes to easily reference and implement across brand materials. 

Buildable Branding brand guidelines color palette example
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Logo Files

Unlike many pre-made logo options, you'll receive a full, professional suite of logo files (6-10 variations depending on concept + business informt to implement for any and all uses for your business, from business card to billboard. 

You'll receive transparent PNG files (great for overlaying over colored backgrounds and photos), high quality jpg files, and vector EPS files (great for print items - vector files can be enlarged to any size without loss of quality).

Our implementation guide will go over the best uses for each file type, and the many possibilities for use these files offer for your business (think: anything and everything!)

Buildable branding logo files example
Buildable branding logo files example
Buildable Branding brand implementation tips guide
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Implementation Guide

Brand guidelines are exciting and beautiful, but we realize branding isn't your primary focus (your products and services are!). We have developed an implementation guide that will help you make the most of your branding, with straightforward tips and knowledge that will set you up for success.  

Our implementation guide will go over the best uses for each file type, and the many possibilities for use these files offer for your business (think: anything and everything!)

From tips on how to implement your branding on Canva, to insight on each file type and what they are best for, the implementation guide will have you implementing your branding strongly and efficently.


Let's build a strong and cohesive brand that attracts your dream audience.

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