In today's digital age, visual content plays a crucial role in capturing the attention of your audience, whether you're a blogger, marketer, or website owner. High-quality stock photos can elevate your content, making it more engaging and memorable. Stock photos are a fantastic way to connect with your audience and communicate feeling behind your brand.

Throughout my years developing high-end brands and custom websites, there's one thing I've never strayed from: its royalty-free photos. While I've certainly tried some of the big name subscription stock photo services, there are a few sources (that are completely free) that I have continued to come back to for a few reasons.
I'm sure you have come across many brands and websites and your mind immediately focuses on the stock photo that looks generic, not to mention unrealistic. While perhaps the photo has been professionally shot, using something so obviously generic can leave a user feeling the brand is lacking credibility - there's simply no emotional connection created.
Enter my favorite stock photo resources: Pexels and Unplash. Both of these resources offer stock photos that are free to use across your website, social media, and marketing materials, and the best part is that they are shot by incredible photographers and have a more organic, natural, and branded feel that generic stock photos. Sometimes it takes a bit of searching, but the process is fun and exciting.
While many brands have the goal of hiring a photographer for branded content, stock photos are an incredible resource for businesses just starting up, allowing brands to curate the right feeling as they launch before they have a large enough budget for photography.
Even better, when you purchase one of our templates, you'll gain access to our Pexels and Unsplash libraries to sort though our studio curations of quality stock photos chosen by our high-level designers. Grab a cup of coffee, get cozy, and 'shop' our library of curated stock photos to find the perfect vibe for your brand. Don't forget to tag us - we cant wait to see what you create!